links for 2008-01-18

  • “Asked about his thoughts on workplace diversity, he responded: ”I’m f—— color-blind. I’m interested in excellence.” Tribune should be a meritocracy, he said, ”If you are good, I’m going to keep you.””
  • “But charging obese workers more for health premiums is no simple task, notes Bellace. “Do you have regular weigh-ins? And who qualifies as obese?”
  • “in principle, I’m all for pro-family work policies…I really resent the fact that I have spent almost a third of my time here covering for her, while she rakes in that much more in income.”
  • “it is tempting to discuss the issue at work with those colleagues we’re accustomed to chatting with and hashing out so many things. Yet there are very good reasons why we shouldn’t.”
  • ” I find the best relationship building I do is face-to-face, over lunch. It’s more likely that I’ll have undivided attention, as well as a lot of time. Compare that to a superficial string of e-mails where it’s really hard to get the information an

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