Morning Call’s new boss stops in to chat with ‘partners’ — themorningcall.com
“Asked about his thoughts on workplace diversity, he responded: ”I’m f—— color-blind. I’m interested in excellence.” Tribune should be a meritocracy, he said, ”If you are good, I’m going to keep you.””
How Employers Wage War On Workplace Obesity - Forbes.com
“But charging obese workers more for health premiums is no simple task, notes Bellace. “Do you have regular weigh-ins? And who qualifies as obese?”
“in principle, I’m all for pro-family work policies…I really resent the fact that I have spent almost a third of my time here covering for her, while she rakes in that much more in income.”
“it is tempting to discuss the issue at work with those colleagues we’re accustomed to chatting with and hashing out so many things. Yet there are very good reasons why we shouldn’t.”
How To Introduce Yourself To Someone Two Degrees Away - JibberJobber Blog
” I find the best relationship building I do is face-to-face, over lunch. It’s more likely that I’ll have undivided attention, as well as a lot of time. Compare that to a superficial string of e-mails where it’s really hard to get the information an
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