Recommended Reading
by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Erica Mauter
Revenge of the fembots: happy to be child-free -’s The Job Blog
“Unfortunately there are too many bad inferences in this piece including the fact that ‘unmarried’ is a mental illness; and that men who don’t marry are simply ‘bachelors,’ but women who don’t marry are either spinsters or fembots? Neither one is flattering.”
The Great American Makeover: The Sexing Up and Dumbing Down of Women’s Work After Jespersen v. Harrah’s Operating Company by Dianne Avery - Social Science Research Network
From the abstract: “Jespersen held that Harrah’s policy of requiring all female bartenders to wear certain makeup on the job was not discriminatory on its face because there was no evidence that the policy was based on ’sex stereotypes.’ In addition, the court ruled that, in the absence of evidence of the costs in time and money of buying and applying makeup, a mandatory makeup policy for women does not discriminate on the basis of sex by placing an ‘unequal burden’ on female workers. The vision of gender equality underlying the court’s analysis in the case reinforces the cultural devaluation of female workers’ competence and intelligence by allowing employers to enforce gendered appearance norms. The article examines how the court’s ’sex stereotyping’ and ‘unequal burdens’ doc