What do you get if you google the word interracial?

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Well, the #1 search result is not safe for work, that’s for sure.
So the question is: why are people so fascinated by interracial sex?
Let me tell you a quick story.
I was at a conference a couple of years ago and during one of the breaks, a man came up to me and […]

Recommended Reading

by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Erica
results-oriented work and the pareto principle - 8 hours & a lunch
Down with busy work! “too many organizations (and too many leaders) focus on the amount of work being done and the amount of hours being worked. it’s not about either one of those things. it’s about results. […]

Carnival of Human Resources is up!

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Go check it out at Debra Owen’s blog, 8 hours & a lunch. The Carnival of Human Resources, published twice a month, is a collection of blog posts on topics related to human resources, business and training. This brainchild of Evil HR Lady aims to get more people blogging and/or reading about […]

Diversity training doesn’t work. Here’s why.

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
“Diversity training.”
What comes to your mind when you read those words?
a) Listening to boring speakers who use meaningless buzzwords like “cultural competence” and “tolerance.”
b) Participating in awkward workshop exercises. Privilege walk, anyone?
c) Learning painfully obvious things, like “racism is bad.” As if you didn’t already know that.
d) All of the above.
It’s no […]

Recommended Reading

by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Erica
Do You Know Your Company’s Unspoken Rules? - All Things Workplace
You have to know both the corporate culture and individual personalities. How formal or casual should you be? How does word travel? Making the unspoken norms into spoken norms can help you make them work to your advantage […]

Here it is: Carnival of Human Resources #7

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
The Carnival of Human Resources, published twice a month, is a collection of blog posts on topics related to human resources, business and training. This brainchild of Evil HR Lady aims to get more people blogging and/or reading about these topics, but it’s also a great way to get new readers for […]

Recommended Reading

by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Erica
A decade of race-blind admissions at Cal - Boston.com
Has it really been that long already? Numbers of blacks and hispanics in the University of California system have rebounded after the initial drop off, but shifted away from Berkeley and UCLA to the other campuses, and still are not […]

Last chance: Submit your post today for Carnival of Human Resources

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Race in the Workplace will be hosting the next Carnival of Human Resources on Wednesday, May 16th. If you’d like to submit a post, email your submissions to [email protected] and put “Carnival” in the subject line. Please get your posts in by end 5 p.m. Eastern time today!
The Carnival, published twice a […]

Addicted to Race 69: Minorities and Politics

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
A brand-new episode (No. 69) of Addicted to Race is out! Addicted to Race is New Demographic’s weekly podcast about America’s obsession with race.
It’s another all listener feedback episode as we continue our semi-hiatus here at Addicted to Race:

Jason, a new listener, calls in with his thoughts on the show
Liam McGrath encourages […]

Watercooler: when sexual harassment meets race

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Watercooler is the section of the blog in which we share with you real-life horror stories from the frontlines of race in the workplace. This week, we have a story from Kenya Woodman:
I once worked for a secretarial service a few years ago. It was a small office and most […]

Book Review: The Real Pepsi Challenge

The Real Pepsi Challenge:
The Inspirational Story of Breaking the Color Barrier in American Business
by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Adina Ba
The following review comes at a timely manner to celebrate the life of an African-American marketing legend, Edward F. Boyd, who died last week at the age of 92. Boyd is most known for […]

Reminder: Racialicious! When Race and Pop Culture Collide

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
I’m excited to announce that New Demographic’s seminar, Racialicious! When Race and Pop Culture Collide, is now available in both audio seminar and e-book formats!
From the neo-minstrelsy of Flavor of Love to the racial segregation on Survivor, from the race-swapping families on Black.White. to the fascination with interracial sex, from Gwen Stefani’s […]

Reminder: Submit a post to the Carnival of Human Resources

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Race in the Workplace will be hosting the next Carnival of Human Resources on Wednesday, May 16th. If you’d like to submit a post, email your submissions to [email protected] and put “Carnival” in the subject line. Please get your posts in by end 5 p.m. Eastern time on Monday, May 14th.
The Carnival, […]

Recommended Reading

by Race in the Workplace special correspondent Erica
Grad Creates Job Site for Minorities - The Harvard Crimson
Thanks, Tereza! Recent Harvard grad Brandon Terry has founded GetConnects. “‘The vast majority of people in the U.S. get their jobs through a preexisting network,’ Terry said. ‘One of the problems is that the U.S. is a deeply segregated […]

Carnival of the Capitalists is right here!

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
I’m excited to host the Carnival of the Capitalists this week, a blog carnival on the wide ranging topics of business and economics, hosted weekly at a different blog. For those of you visiting this blog for the first time, Race in the Workplace explores how race and racism influence our working […]

Addicted to Race 68: Imus, hip hop, “queer

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
A brand-new episode (No. 68) of Addicted to Race is out! Addicted to Race is New Demographic’s weekly podcast about America’s obsession with race.
This is an all listener audio comment episode:

Frances shares her thoughts on the Don Imus controversy
Jeff weighs in on misogyny in hip hop
ME discusses the word “queer”
Tereza responds to […]

How to build your personal brand

by Carmen Van Kerckhove

What do people say about you when you’re not in the room? If you don’t know, it could hinder your career opportunities. Whether we like it or not, each of us has a personal brand. The question is: is your brand what you want it to be?
Here’s an interview I did with […]

Submit a post to the Carnival of Human Resources

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Susan M. Heathfield at About.com’s Human Resources Blog is currently hosting the 6th Carnival of Human Resources.
The Carnival, published twice a month, is a collection of blog posts on topics related to human resources, business and training. The idea is to get more people blogging and/or reading about these topics, but it’s […]

Watercooler: black = stupid?

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
Watercooler is the section of the blog in which we share with you real-life horror stories from the frontlines of race in the workplace. This week, we have a story from Sullie:
Some background: I work at a company run by middle-aged white men; the employees are also white, are women, and […]

Racialicious! When Race and Pop Culture Collide

by Carmen Van Kerckhove
I’m excited to announce that New Demographic’s seminar, Racialicious! When Race and Pop Culture Collide, is now available in both audio seminar and e-book formats!
From the neo-minstrelsy of Flavor of Love to the racial segregation on Survivor, from the race-swapping families on Black.White. to the fascination with interracial sex, from Gwen Stefani’s […]